Welcome to My Properties, your access to information about your
Winnipeg property. Here you will find detailed information about properties you
own that is not available to the public in general, all in a secure environment.
To access your properties, start by creating an account using the Create Account
menu item above. Or, if you have accessed this site in the last year,
you can log in with the User ID on your Assessment Notice and the password you created at that time.
Click on Log In from the menu above when you are ready to log in.
How to create an account:
- Click on Create Account from the menu bar above.
- Verify your identity by entering the User ID and Roll Number shown on any Assessment
Notice you have received since 2005.
- Select your User Name and password. The User Name can be anything that has not yet
been used. The password must be 8 characters and contain at least one special
character (e.g. !, @, #,...).
- After you have created your account, and if you own other properties with a different
User ID, you can add the User ID to you account. Note that you only have to add
the User ID once and then all properties with that User ID will appear in your property